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[ Classified ] Category: Main > Wyoming
40 acres Rochelle Ranch (Item #: 542)
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Price: $17,960.00 USD
Listing ID: 542

County of Property:

Sweetwater County
State Wyoming
Contact Seller: DougCa
Phone: (800) 421-7163

Description: 40-acres for a great price and terms! Buy cheap land and hang on to it is an investment approach that’s been sound and successful for several hundred years. In future years $17,960 will depreciate greatly in value and buying power, while 40 acres of land will increase greatly in value.

County/State: Sweetwater County/Wyoming

Size: 40-acres

Price: $17,960 ($449/ac) with $460 down and the balance of $17,500 payable at $175 per month including 9% amortized over 186 months

Legal: NW1/4 NW1/4 SEC 35 T22N R90W, Sweetwater County, WY (Hanover)

Access/Roads: This property is located in the checkerboard area (resembling a board the game of checkers is played on) with ownership alternating between private and federal. This arrangement is very beneficial for a private owner because private owners can cross public land to get to private land, but the public can’t cross private land to get to public land. This tract fronts on a BLM road.

Mineral Rights
: As with most oil producing states the mineral rights have been owned by the exploration companies for many years but a landowner would receive some form of compensation if wells were ever drilled.

Surveys: All sections were surveyed by the federal government at some time in the past but private surveys for individual 40-acre tracts have not been completed.

Property Taxes: Approximately $40 annually

Improvements: This is raw, undeveloped land and no improvements or homeowner services of any nature are being represented.

Zoning/Usage: Zoning is basically “agricultural” and residences usually aren’t permitted. Check with Sweetwater County Planning & Zoning for allowable usage (307-872-3914).

Directions: From Rawlins, Wyoming travel west on I-80 approximately 16 miles to Riner Rd. (Exit 196). Exit the freeway and drive north on Riner Road (also known as BLM Rd #3202). Refer to the parcel map where the arrow points to the parcel for sale.

Contact Person: Doug Caffey (800) 421-7163 or email doug@cheaplandinamerica.com

  • # of Acres
  • Price Per Acre
  • 40
  • 449
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